At the OCE we believe in the transformative power of education for sustainable development. That's why, we strive to provide teachers around the world with access to free, quality educational resources and professional development based on the best climate and educational research.
Climate Change and Land is the second part of a collection of educational tools produced in collaboration with international educational and climate experts, entitled The Climate in Our Hands. These resources highlight active pedagogies and interdisciplinarity. They allow students to understand the mechanisms of climate change and its impact, as well as the importance of the Land in climate regulation and in the development of human societies. They also offer concrete action projects, at the class or community level.
Welcome teachers !
Why is Land important?

Land provides us with food, freshwater, livelihoods, wellbeing and biodiversity. Humans use more than 70 %of the global ice-free land surface. Since pre-industrial times, the mean temperature on land and at sea has risen, but the land temperature has risen much more than the global mean temperature. Changes in land use have contributed to growing net greenhouse gases emissions and the loss of natural ecosystems. Climate change impacts food security, terrestrial ecosystems, biodiversity and contributes to desertification and land degradation.
In order to explore the link between land use and climate regulation the IPCC produced a report entitled “Special Report on Climate Change and Land” (SRCCL) which the OCE summarized for all teachers providing them with the access to all the latest datas on Climate Change.
How can we teach Climate Change ?
Because these reports are not designed to meet the needs of teachers, the OCE developed a pedagogical kit for primary and secondary school teachers. On this page you will find the resources based on the IPCC reports. These resources highlight active pedagogies and interdisciplinarity. They allow students to understand the mechanisms of climate change and its impacts, as well as the importance of the land in climate regulation and in the development of human societies. They also offer concrete action projects, at the class or community level.

We invite you to start using the entire “Climate Change and Land” pedagogical kit that you can find in the “resources” tab, don’t hesitate in sharing your feedback with us through our contact form. Our resources are developed for teachers by teachers. By using them, you will join a community of teachers wishing to address the theme of climate change in the classroom. We will regularly be hosting webinars and events on the topic all around the world, this page will enable you to keep in touch with our future events. This space will also allow you to find all the partners who made this project possible, as well as useful press space to spread this project around you !
The best way to get started is to participate in our webinar on the 18th of May.
We believe it is essential that teachers everywhere have access to free, quality educational resources on climate change. That's why we, at the Office for Climate Education, through our partners, are mobilizing ourselves to distribute several thousand free hard copies of our pedagogical to teachers that make their request down below.